
Hexagon & Granny's Soccer Ball Cushion and Handbag

The Tween's room is mostly a blank canvas of white which is spruced up with a few interesting objects among others "paintings" on raw wood that she purchases every alternate month or so from the quint Amelie Cafe in Armenian street, a favourite space of ours. Various bloggers have documented Amelie and to get an idea of this cafe where everything is recycled by the artist owners take a look here and here

As soon as I came across the beautiful African Flower pattern designed by two South Africans, I decided to give it a go and fell in love with the satisfaction of hooking these Grannies. The Tween and I selected the colours at random from our stash of yarn (yes, she is hooked on hooking too!) and it was great fun to see the flowers evolve. I hooked the borders of the hexagons in green and the pentagons in blue, a combination that popped all the colours beautifully and created harmony between other objects hooked in the same tropical colours. After 8 years of desert living in the Middle East we love the vibrancy that comes with living on a Tropical Island.

The "soccer ball" cushion is assembled with 12 pentagons and 20 hexagons and unfolded looks like this [you might also want to head over to Crochetbug for a tutorial on how to assemble the ball]: 

You might also want to head over to Imaging Maths to see it unfolded in a different way:

Or use this one:

The pattern for the beautiful Summer Garden Granny Squares can be found on the lovely Attic24 blog.  44 Squares were used to create the bag.

The pattern for the African Flower is illustrated and described step for step on the fabulous blog Heidibearscreative 


  1. Congratulations on you African Flower Ball! I made one and I know the work that went into it. Nice job!

  2. Gorgeous! how did you fill it? what with?

    1. Hello, I used stuffing from cheap pillows I bought at the supermarket!

  3. I have made this beautiful ball and have stuffed it but the stuffing shows through the holes. Do you line the ball. If so what do you line it with and how? Looking forward to your response

    1. Hi Marlene, I did not line the ball, but stuffed it by cutting up a cheap pillow I bought and using the stuffing from the pillow. I think you can actually just line it in a simple cotton! My stitches were pretty tight and I used a horrible acrylic! I can imagine that with a looser stitch or a different yarn, one could see the stuffing. I should actually make another ball again and use a much nicer yarn. hope this helps!

  4. Hola cuantos gramos de lana o hilo se necesita?

  5. I love how you incorporated vibrant colors into your projects.
