
Bags for Hookers, some food too

Oh wow!  First I came across the work of Japanese artist jungjung, then I found myself admiring patterns for vintage bags on Etsy and these are all speaking to me in tones and whispers on the one hand but also yelling on the other hand to be taken notice of. I am so ordering some of these patterns as I have been looking and thinking of crochet bags and hooking something really nice for months now, but was never quite satisfied with what I saw. I am also limited by the dreadful choice of exactly one type of yarn available here in Penang.  I simply refuse to order yarn online, the purchasing of hooky stuff in my opinion is a complete sensory experience, I need to see, smell, feel and react to the yarn before I buy. I did take the plunge though and ordered crochet bamboo hooks from an online store and The Tween is not that selective yet and ordered a thick yarn for her bunny project.



These bags put me in a completely different frame of mind, a MUST MAKE frame of mind. Hooking them will also require concentration and focus, perhaps it will slow the speed at which I hook down a little bit - which will be just great seeing that my arm is still recuperating from surgery and I have another 4 weeks or so of NO HOOKING before I can even attempt a single chain stitch . . . I am partial to the green bag, left, bottom quadrant in the below image and the blue as well as brick coloured bags in the last image.


Aaaack, the surgery on my arm was really a major inconvenience, I mean not only was the ulnar nerve running from the neck to my hand moved at the site where it travels along the elbow, but muscle was also detached and reattached - blergh, the very idea of what the surgeon did to my poor arm makes me nauseous, I am a wimp. My hand is still weak though and I am awaiting delivery of 14 new bamboo hooks, hoping that these will result in less stress on my hand than the "cast-iron" rolling my eyes furiously rusty crochet hooks The Tween and I have been hooking with over the past months - see my posting about the yarn shop here in Penang.

The Tween of course have been watching the door a million times today as she too ordered her own set of hooks and a ball of yarn with her pocketmoney - yip I reckon if she pays for it, she will look after it and actually finish a WIP. She is planning on hooking a bunny in the spirit of Easter and has already been working out a pattern in her mind - she is good, frighteningly good with all manner pattern, drawing, design, design technology etc. Just look at the computer drawings she created in less than 5 minutes today - resulting in a completely new blog-head for Pigtails. I can put the heading together, but the drawing is out of my range of being creative.

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