
Around the Island

Today we took a road-trip around the island to remind us of The Husband who is currently travelling and cannot share Father's Day with us. The previous time we did this we had an enormous amount of fun on the back of scooters, today we took the car. Booo we miss The Husband, a Skype call is not quite the same.

I took a few photos of traditional Malay houses, raised on timber stilts. These houses are build of timber, bamboo, rattan, tree roots and leaves due to the abundance of these materials in the rain forest. They feature pitched roofs, verandas in front, high ceilings and many openings for ventilation purposes. Some of them are now sadly abandoned in favour of modern brick affairs. Enjoy a great Father's Day. Cheers!

Have a look at some of the lovely details found on these traditional Malay houses [it was a hazy morning and the sun was playing against me, washing out the sky completely]:


  1. Laat mens nogal dink aan die Queenslanders...hierdie net meer higgledy-piggledy - hull staan ook mos so op stelte.

  2. Ja die wereld is divers, maar ook dieselfde - baie interessant. Die lug was vrot toe ons rondgery het - later toe in die nuus dat Sumatra al weer hulle gevreesde jaarlikse brande het. Ons het twee dae later gevaarvlakke van besoedeling binnegegaan en alle buitemuurse aktiwiteite by al ons skole is verban. Kids mag slegs stap buite - niemand mag hardloop op die skoolgronde nie.

  3. Sitenizi gezdim,çok beğendim.Alışılagelmiş dışı bir ilgiye sahip olmanız çok hoşuma gitti.En azından sitenizde bilmediğim yöreler hakkında fikir sahibi oldum.Türkiye'den sevgiler gönderiyorum.
