
Aaah one third of a picnic blanket

Thank you to my lovely Girl Tween who not only hooked two squares in order to create a third of the planned picnic blanket, but also sewed the squares together for the hooker mama. The Dude Tween is holding on to his part finished blanket.

See http://pigstails.blogspot.com/2012/06/picnic-blanket.html for more on this WIP and http://pigstails.blogspot.com/2012/05/weekend-in-stockholm.html for the Weekend in Stockholm pattern and tutorial

The weather, I will attempt better photos of the WIP later . . . 

Cheers, it is coffee time!


  1. Hi dear my friend, I am very happy to meet you. Thank you very much for your visiting to my blog.. I have to say that your blog is so nice and I really like your crochet blanket. This is a very hard work.. Congratulations..:))
    All best wishes..

  2. Gorgeous blanket! Those colours scream colour even if your weather doesn't! Can't wait to see it finished! lol x
