
Chew Clan Jetty

Having been in existence since 19th century, the Clan Jetties are unique Chinese settlements with their homes built on stilts along a wooden pier that extend to the ocean or Penang Channel. Originally, there were eight clan jetties named after their respective last names (Chew, Koay, Lee, Lim, Peng Aun, Tan, Yeoh, Mixed Clans), with the residents of each clan jetty representing the distinct origin of the clan. Today, the Chew Jetty remains as the largest clan jetty along the quay. It was built in the mid-19th century by immigrants from the Xin Lin She Village of the Fujian Province in China.

During the last week of our living experience in Penang, I grabbed my newly acquired Panasonic Lumix LX5 and spent a morning at the Chew Clan Jetty before strolling the streets to photograph Penangites at work [more of these pics to follow later]. Having shot with a Lumix LX3 before, it was a no-brainer to buy the replacement LX5 when I decided to replace my by now battered LX3 which I took along to around 20 different countries over the years. I loathe big, heavy cameras and the LX3 and LX5 have both won numerous awards and been rated top cameras by the amateur and professional photographer alike. the camera is simply great and small enough to slip into my pocket. It is with the processing of my photos however that I still mess around with - I am not familiar with photoshop and am also too impatient to learn the programme and stick for the most to either Picmonkey or Pixlr Express for my photo editing.  Hopefully I will learn soon that only minor tweaking is needed but for now I cannot resist the filters available on the aforementioned programmes . . .

Hey, so by the way we just relocated to Johannesburg in South Africa with the husband travelling between  Iran, Dubai, Mumbai and Johannesburg every month. We are off to the Garden Route area later today where the kids and I will be hanging out with the folks until the container arrives.

Chew Jetty still functions as a public jetty with clan members ferrying goods to the bigger boats anchored further away in the harbour. 


Own Photos

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