
Vessel in the making

Yarn: Vinnis Nikkim in Old Gold (lattice) and Midnight (sc) 
Hooksize:  The bottom in hook size 3,75mm and the top in hook size 5,5mm

Hello, we are still on holiday and this is another of those scheduled blogger postings! I will be doing a lot of blog visiting once back to be catching up with all the latest news on the hooking front. I owe someone a lovely parcel stuffed with yarn and another great hooker some interviewing answers - it will be reaching you soon!  Apologies, but I got into holiday mood a while before we left time ran out on me.

Today I want to share with you the awesome work of Enhabiten.  She creates in those exact shades of grey that I just absolutely love and her work reminds me of how as a student, I changed all the buttons on every piece of clothing I bought and then dipped everything in dye to get that raw look I have always liked. I felt so inspired by Enhabiten's work that I started hooking the above vessel! 

If you have any recommendations about the best way to achieve stiffness in order to hold the vessel without compromising the integrity of the yarn - please let me know. I am a newbie at stiffening household and decorative items and advice would be highly appreciated!


  1. enjoy your holiday!!!
    no advices for stiffening, but I love your vessel!!!!
    xxxx Ale

  2. Love your vessel and I am curious to advices about the stiffening.
    Enjoy your holiday, keep in that mood as long as possible:)!

  3. Cornstarch mixture can work. Not sure how it would settle into the yarn - especially the dark one. Perhaps sugar starch? Interesting dilema.

    1. I recommend slightly watered down acrylic - Elmer's glue or generic works great - prop or pin out into shape and allow to dry completely in gently circulating air.

  4. ah, stiffening: white glue will work. one of the reasons to water it down is to help it soak into the yarn. there is a product called "stiffy" that is specifically for fabrics. it's made by Plaid Enterprises Inc, Norcrosss, GA, USA. i recently used it on a vessel i crocheted out of cut up cotton t-shirts. it worked very well, and does not show when dry. it doesn't add a sheen to the surface or anything.

  5. Thank you sooo much for all the replies. I will either use white glue/water mix or try and get hold of Stiffy! Oh the possibilities if I can master hooking and stiffening vessels . . .

  6. I use Aileen's fabric stiffener. You can adjust the amount to how stiff you want the yarn. I used it to make this. http://muzings.net/?attachment_id=60

    1. Oh my goodness your bowl is just so stunning! Thank you for the tip, you have a great blog too!
