
Christmas Tree Decorations

Crochet Frames / hanging ornaments
Hello! Aren't we lucky?! We've spent the past 5 Christmases in 5 different places namely Dubai, Kathmandu, Penang, Bangkok and South Africa. Perhaps this year we should drive over to Swaziland, Lesotho, Mozambique or Botswana to keep up with this trend! (We've actually spend a further 5 Christmases also in the Middle East when we were living in the UAE). We have learned so much from other expats and societies about the way they celebrate this time of the year, but the biggest surprise to me remains the interest, involvement and respect we experienced from people belonging to other major religions - here I do not refer to the commercial sense, but the blessings and celebrations.

Teen showcasing a minimalist paper garland for the tree. Just cut cardboard in strips and fold - glue or staple together.

These are drawings the Teen made with a silver pen on wooden discs she spray painted in black. This is the family of course! Wooden discs available from Ruby's haberdashery in Brooklyn, Pretoria. 

Christmas in South Africa is vastly different to Christmas in the Northern parts of the world due to the differing seasons, school years and the fact that this time of the year is spent on the beach and behind the barbecue. Few of those who can afford it, stay at home. 
It is sun, sea and surf time!

Meantime, I grabbed the blackboard and jotted down a few patterns for you. I used oval cardboard frames and wooden curtain rings available from Ruby's Haberdashery in Brooklyn. 
To hook the first round take a look at the tutorial by LolaNova. I used wooden curtain rings as well as oval cardboard discs to create my frames. The patterns below do not include that first round as demonstrated by LolaNova:

This is the bobble border by Vicki

Uhm, pardon the wet blackboard in the above photo.
In fact, pardon the bad photo editing, it is dinner time and the jerk chicken is calling. These are just some basic pics and ideas.


  1. I'm kind of jealous of you, having the opportunity to celebrate christmas all over the world. We did really enjoy our christmas while living in Chiang Mai, with people from lots of different countries. I wish you lots of love and fun and I thank you for the patterns!

    1. We were lucky indeed, although it was mostly spent without our extended families (which is not ideal either.) I do love experiences living with and among other cultures though - it is what makes me tick as a person.

  2. Interesting! You are an adventurous sort. I like your little ornaments. I made some similar ones but only one kind. A little like your first one. Merry Christmas.

    1. Yes, we love adventure and exploring societies. The time in Kathmandu was spent working with the Esther Benjamin Trust who helps with the rehabilitation of former child circus performers. Nepali children is constantly trafficked to India for this purpose. I had a look at your blog and you do fantastic work! Lovely gifts as well. Have a lovely Christmas and New Year!

  3. You must have such great memories of your Christmasses spend all over the globe. We have been living abroad now for 8 years in 3 different countries. All in Europa. So there are no big differences. The only big difference is that, like you, I miss my family and Dutch friends around Christmas time.
    My cats love the fact that there is no firework during New Years Eve here in Ireland.
    Love the ornaments! Thanks for sharing all the patterns.

    1. Oh yes, there is also little to none fireworks here, whereas in Malaysia we were blasted to the gates of hell for weeks on end! Poor animals are always suffering.

  4. Wow! A great post! Thanks for sharing patterns! Kisses from Catalonia!!!!

  5. Beautiful crochet, they look so striking all together. You have travelled a lot, lucky you. It must be endlessly fascinating and inspirational.

    1. We have indeed traveled a lot, but we also lived in all the countries mentioned bar Nepal! I guess we enjoy living at the edges of insanity and hope to make a move back to Asia soon again. You must have a great Season!

  6. That is simply brilliant, to draw out the diagram on a chalkboard! Your blog is simply wonderful! I'm gonna poke around some more and stop by often!

    1. Thank you Susan, I had a blast visiting yours too!

  7. Love your frames and thank you for the patterns!!!!
    I really like the black discs made by your daughter!!!!
    xxxxxx Ale

    1. Thank you Ale, hope you have a great Festive Season in Indonesia, or will you be travelling?

  8. What a dream to be able to travel so much. I think it really makes your live richer!
    Love the tree decorations, I pinned them because I would like to make them... next year :-)
    Fantastic to have such a creative daughter as well

    1. Geseende Kersfees en Voorspoedige Nuwe Jaar vir julle! Ek wens ons was nou ook in Europa!

  9. A really interesting post and I wish I did a little more travelling before we settled to have kids, I suppose I was always going to wish for more travelling as for me that is when I am at my best. Interestingly I only spent Christmas in about 4 other countries, even though I have been to many others. I suspect the reason was to get back to family for the festive period. Yes SA is such a different Christmas and it sure is all about the beach and a lovely cold buffet. I have become so accustomed to a British Christmas, but there is a small part of me that still yearns to be with my family in SA. I love your decorations, they are so lovely and thank you for sharing the pattern. I have to first figure out how to read diagrams, a job for next year. xoxo

  10. Lovely decorations, would look beautiful on the tree.

  11. Beautiful post, I love everything about it, your story and all the lovely ornaments. Thanks for sharing:)

  12. Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for a Happy New Year!
    Bring you Good wishes of happiness.

    Sorry for greeting you earlier,, just don't want miss saying this.
    By the way, I'm Clotee. It's my first time visiting your blog. I am blogger too, and now try my best luck to open an e-store. Nice to know you.


  13. Just discovered your blog! I am going to enjoy following this one.
    I love your dainty Christmas tree decorations. Another to add to my list. 'sigh'

  14. Ahhhh! :D I love this! What a brilliant post! :D I love how you shared the pattern ideas on the chalkboard! So clever! :) Thank you for sharing! Lovely work!

  15. Огромное спасибо!!! )))

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